Poster and a teaser for BuchBasel 2020. The topic of this year was »Connexions«.



TBM/TK II - Connexions

As part of a workshop in »Typographic Composition« and »Time Based Media« Yannick Fey and I created this Identity for the BuchBasel 2020. This years topic was »Connexions«: Connecting, exchanging, imagining and enjoying company. We decided to really lean into the imagination part, working with bold shapes and big typography, giving the viewer space to reimagine and interpret the overlapping forms.

Students: Yannick Fey & Timo Rick
Lecturers: Marion Fink & Dirk Koy
Tools used: After Effects/Illustrator/Photoshop/InDesign

FHNW Academy of Arts and Design
BA Visuelle Kommunikation
Vertiefungsrichtung Medium 2020